February 16, 2025
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Current Power... High quality, superior performance  Aircraft Ground Power

Current Power LLC is a world leader in the design and manufacturing of the best 28VDC on the market.

Close attention to detail in every step of the manufacturing process has led us to build the most reliable and best looking equipment in the industry. All of our models are built around aircraft requirements without skimping on conductive materials and transformer sizing yielding the best voltage holding capability in the industry during aircraft starts. Units are designed around the users and pilots with easy to read volt and amp meters. They also include a safe, easy way to set the maximum current limit using a push button without the use of fancy controls, which are prone to failure from weather and abuse. Pilots feel at ease that the 28.5 volts will be maintained and the current delivered during starting will not exceed aircraft. Specializing in high output current DC power supplies, SCR and Switchmode power supplies (Switch−Mode Power Supply.

CURRENT POWER, LLC   •   1449 Jupiter Park Dr, STE #19   •   Jupiter, FL 33458, USA
Phone:   203-994-8408   •   Fax:   203-403-9543   •   sales@CurrentPowerLLc.com